What party in the EU is your best match?

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What is VoteMatch?

VoteMatch Europe is a Voting Aid Application (VAA) that allows you to compare your political opinions with parties in all EU countries. The application asks for your opinion on different policy issues and shows which parties best match your views at the national level, as well as in all other EU countries. This helps to understand the differences and similarities between parties in the European Parliament.

The purpose of Votematch Europe is to inform citizens in a neutral way about the positions of political parties, in the months preceding the elections for the European Parliament. Votematch Europe is renewed every 5 years. The most recent edition was made for the European Parliament elections in June 2024, with 671.000 users in May and June 2024. Previous editions were made in 2014 and 2019.


We at VoteMatch Europe take your privacy and your voting rights very seriously. Your data is processed in a secure manner and anonymised wherever possible. VoteMatch Europe’s processing of personal data conforms to the requirements of the applicable data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation. Read the full privacy statement for more information.

Who are we?

Votematch Europe is made by a network of organisations that make voting aid applications in EU countries. You can find the collaborators of the network below.

How does it work?

The participating national partners of the VoteMatch Europe project prepared a list of 25 common statements during the fall of 2023 and early 2024. The set of common statements covered a wide range of policy issues in all areas that the European Parliament decides on.

Political parties that participated in the EU elections answered the whole set of common statements in the national VAA. At least 15 of these statements were added to each national VAA. The statements each partner selected were based on how relevant they were to that particular member state and how well the statement helped to differentiate between parties in the member state. Each national VAA could also include their own additional statements.

To determine what political parties in other countries would fit with their ideas, users started with filling out the VAA for their own country, including the 15 common statements. After that, users followed a link to the VoteMatch Europe website. This showed their match with parties in all other EU countries on those 15 statements, ranked from highest to lowest.


To see how this worked in practice, fill out the StemWijzer in English. This is the VAA for the Netherlands. Not all 2024 national VAA’s are available anymore. Once you have filled out the StemWijzer, you can check the results for all other countries in Europe afterwards.

VoteMatch Europe informs citizens about elections for the European Parliament and shows the differences between the contesting parties in different countries. The results that are shown should be considered as a suggestion to start your own research towards an informed vote.